I love the Holiday season, from Thanksgiving to New Year's. It’s one of my favorite times of the year. (minus the cold and short daylight hours). But it can also be a difficult time for many; especially those struggling financially, those who have suffered losses, and those who feel alone. For many, myself included, the holidays are a time of reflection, of both good memories and difficult memories. I often have mixed emotions over the two. Despite the obstacles and all that we've been through, my family and I are all well and in good health. We are safe, have a roof over our heads, and food on the table. Sure there may be areas where it seems we are lacking or the answer or promise hasn't yet manifested, but at the same time, when I think of where we were a few short years ago, there's much to be thankful for!
Time has gone by so fast and my family seems to be getting smaller and smaller. I want so much more for them (both the younger and older generation) and sometimes that frustrates me. I often wrestle between knowing I should be content in all things and longing for that "so much more". Seasons come and go and when I find myself in a more challenging season, I often want to hurry through to the next season. It reminds me of the discontentment you feel between winter and springtime. You’re tired of the cold barrenness and long for the beauty and warmth of spring. You can feel a shift but winter still holds on and you wonder if Springtime will ever get here. But one thing I noticed every year between the beginning of April and the middle to end of May: the season seems long but in a matter of a couple of weeks, the landscape is unrecognizable from what it was. It's the promise of Spring that gets us through a long and hard winter.
So how do we navigate through a difficult season or season of discontentment? The Word of God says to “Count it all joy”. To be honest, there are some days when I am counting it all joy purely by faith. Sure, I have days where I feel joyful but honestly, some days I don’t. But, this I know; God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. I may not always “feel” joyful about my circumstances but I can still count it all joy! Why? Because I know through a season may seem hard; God is still good. He remains faithful. Circumstances change but His character and who He is, do not change. Do you lack comfort? He is the God of all comfort. Do you lack peace? Jesus says “My peace I leave with you, not as the world gives”.
How do we count it all joy? I used to think that meant completely denying the struggle I was feeling but I've learned that it’s okay to be honest with the Lord about where we are at. He knows our hearts anyway. But, we don’t limit our situation or circumstances to how we feel. We walk by faith, not by sight. James 1:2 says: Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort….”. The King James version uses the word, Count. Count it all joy…The word “Count” in the Greek in which it was written, means consider, account, esteem, judge, have the rule over, suppose, think. To count it all joy means to have the rule over. Have the rule over what? To have the rule over your trials and your circumstances. My favorite definition is the word judge. The enemy will come in and whisper in our ears his judgments regarding our trials and circumstances. His judgments will always bring doubt and defeat just like in the garden where he asked Eve, “Did God really say?” Do you ever hear those words in your thoughts?
When we find ourselves enveloped in a trial or difficult circumstance we don't have to agree with those negative thoughts. We can stand up and judge that trial or situation! We can say, “No, I am not defeated.” “All things will work for my good because I love God and I’m called according to His purposes”. We must stop agreeing with the enemy's judgments and agree with what God says about us. It’s written right in His Word! Decreeing His Word over ourselves, our families, and our circumstances is powerful! We can judge that situation as joy…cheerfulness, calm, delight, and gladness because we know that He uses all things. Because He works all things, I know that He is using whatever situation or circumstances I find myself in right now.
Instead of looking at the trial or situation you may find yourself in negatively, a good question to ask God is this, “Lord, what do you want to show me through this trial?” "What do you want to be for me in this circumstance?" “What do you want to teach me in the season I am in right now?” I ask you this, are you just going through your season or are you growing through it? If you desire to grow through rather than just "make it through", He will answer the cry of your heart.
We can count it all joy because we know that He works all things together for those who are called according to His purposes. Does it say He works only the good things? No, He works all things. All means everything! He is the potter and we are the clay. We can trust His ability to reshape if necessary. All we must do is remain pliable in His hands. We yield to Him and know that even if we don’t see it, He is working on our behalf and to His glory. God doesn’t slumber or sleep! God doesn’t bring the difficult circumstances into our lives but He will use them when we allow Him to.
James Chapter 1 goes on to say that our faith brings out endurance, steadfastness, and patience. Paul goes on to say “Let endurance, steadfastness, and patience have full play and do a thorough work so you may be perfectly and fully developed, lacking in nothing! Fully developed: a film is always developed in darkness. We see just a snippet; only a snapshot, but He sees the entire picture!
Next time you are going through a difficult season, trust Him and count or “judge” it all as joy. Allow Him to not only bring you through but also to "grow" you through! Yield to Him and you will become fully developed and matured, and lacking nothing. Though the night may seem dark and long, Spring is on its way and the cold barrenness you see now...will give way to new growth and a great harvest if you do not quit.
When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but that godly have a lasting foundation. - Proverbs 10:25
Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Learning to Live Authentically